Running tests ============= Wand has unit tests and regression tests. It can be run using :file:`` script: .. sourcecode:: console $ python test It uses pytest_ as its testing library. The above command will automatically install pytest as well if it's not installed yet. Or you can manually install pytest and then use :program:`py.test` command. It provides more options: .. sourcecode:: console $ pip install pytest $ py.test .. _pytest: Skipping tests -------------- There are some time-consuming tests. You can skip these tests using ``--skip-slow`` option: .. sourcecode:: console $ py.test --skip-slow You can run only tests you want using ``-k`` option. .. sourcecode:: console $ py.test -k image Using tox_ ---------- Wand should be compatible with various Python implementations including CPython 2.6, 2.7, PyPy. tox_ is a testing software that helps Python packages to test on various Python implementations at a time. It can be installed using :program:`pip`: .. sourcecode:: console $ pip install tox If you type just :program:`tox` at Wand directory it will be tested on multiple Python interpreters: .. sourcecode:: console $ tox GLOB sdist-make: /Users/dahlia/Desktop/wand/ py26 create: /Users/dahlia/Desktop/wand/.tox/py26 py26 installdeps: pytest py26 sdist-inst: /Users/dahlia/Desktop/wand/.tox/dist/ py26 runtests: commands[0] ... You can use a double ``--`` to pass options to pytest: .. sourcecode:: console $ tox -- -k sequence .. _tox: Continuous Integration ---------------------- .. image:: :alt: Build Status :target: `Travis CI`_ automatically builds and tests every commit and pull request. The above banner image shows the current status of Wand build. You can see the detail of the current status from the following URL: .. _Travis CI: Code Coverage ------------- .. image:: :alt: Coverage Status :target: Coveralls_ support tracking Wand's test coverage. The above banner image shows the current status of Wand coverage. You can see the details of the current status from the following URL: .. _Coveralls: